Concept : Products


Many Empire sector types exist specifically to turn raw materials into products. Some of those products may, in turn, be considered raw materials for other industries which produce other products.

The show command displays characteristics of products:

[##:##] Command : show product

product    cost  raw materials  reso dep  level p.e.
   iron i  $0                    min   0  1.0
   dust d  $0                   gold  20  1.0
   food f  $0                   fert   0  (tech+10)/(tech+20)
    oil o  $0                  ocont  10  (tech+10)/(tech+20)
    rad r  $2                   uran  35  (tech-40)/(tech-30)
 shells s  $3     2l  1h                  (tech-20)/(tech-10)
   guns g  $30    1o  5l 10h              (tech-20)/(tech-10)
 petrol p  $1     1o                      (tech-20)/(tech-10)
   bars b  $10    5d                      1.0
    lcm l  $0     1i                      (tech+10)/(tech+20)
    hcm h  $0     2i                      (tech+10)/(tech+20)
   tech    $300   1d  5o 10l              (educ-5)/(educ+5)
medical    $90    1d  5o 10l              (educ-5)/(educ+5)
    edu    $9     1l                      1.0
  happy    $9     1l                      1.0

The columns are:


The name of the product and the one-letter mnemonic of the commodity made, if any.


Cost per unit of production.

raw materials

Raw materials for one unit of production.

reso dep

Natural resource exploited, and its rate of depletion.

level p.e.

Level production efficiency, for 100% sector type production efficiency

How much a sector can produce is governed by the amount of work performed by its populace, divided by the amount of raw materials per unit of production. E.g., it takes 3 units of work to produce 1 shell; 2 units to incorporate the light construction materials and 1 unit for the heavy. Mining a natural resource such as fertility takes one unit of work; e.g., it takes 1 unit of work per unit of food produced.

How many products each unit of production makes depends on the level production efficiency, which is the product's level p.e. (shown by "show product") times the sector type's p.e. (shown by "show sect capabilities"). Production requires a level p.e. above zero, obviously.

Say your country is at tech level 25. Then your agribusinesses' level p.e. is (25+10)/(25+20) * 900% = 7, i.e. they'll make 7 food per unit of production. Your shell industries' level p.e. is only (25-20)/(25-10) * 100% = 1/3, i.e. they'll make 1 shell per three units of production. Your uranium mines can't produce at all, because their level p.e. is negative.

See also : Producing , Updates , Item-types